速報APP / 生產應用 / Apni Society

Apni Society





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Apni Society(圖1)-速報App

An app to help Committee Members to manage the entire housing society( residential and commercial)

It will allow you to connect with the committee and other members and stay updated on the latest happening in your society/ Apartments/ Commercial building.

Apni Society App has almost all the features you use in your web based housing management portal created on Apni Society like Notices, Account Ledger, Parking Details, Manage Documents, Complaints, Feedback, Events, Member Directory, Maintenance History etc.

Apni Society(圖2)-速報App

One Unique feature it has is the Visitor tracking, you will get visitor's photo, along with name and mobile number as Notification in your mobile, once your security person will enter visitor's details in Apni Society tablets (given to him by Society management) you will get notified for it, which will ask your permission to allow him or not. which will help security guy to take action accordingly.

Apart from the above feature, we have one unique service, which is an On Demand Vendor services, e.g. Plumbing, Carpentry, electrical work. To avail this service, you need to generate a request from your mobile and one of our representatives will visit your place and resolve the respective issue.

Also, we have added a new feature, which you will ONLY find in your mobile app, is that, You can manage your all Assets. You can enter all your assets along with it's warranty or/and guarantee details/ or take photographs for your future records, which can be easily available and Handy, as and when required.

Apni Society(圖3)-速報App

You can enter all your Annual maintenance contacts to get notified for your respective service dates. You can use this feature for your Automobile services, Electronics/ Home Appliances' free/paid service, Fixed Deposits' due date , RO repairing dates, Insurance reminders etc.

Apni Society app is the one for all your house/apartment/ shop !